5 Social Media Strategies To Fuel MSP Growth

November 16, 2021

It’s a constant struggle to sustain business growth amid the ever-changing commercial landscape. This is especially true in managed service providers (MSPs) that provide long-term services to their clients. While the income may be recurring if you’ve built partnerships with customers, it’s still important to continuously seek ways to generate leads so you can fuel your growth as an MSP business.

Fortunately, there are several tools and strategies that you can tap into to market your brand. Among these tools would be social media, where you can establish good communication with your audience, advertise your services, and receive immediate feedback. Social media marketing has been making waves recently, and for a good reason. If you haven’t yet, now is the perfect time to integrate this promising strategy into your MSP marketing plans so you can ensure the growth of your enterprise.



Ready to get started? Here are some social media techniques and strategies you can use.


1. Know Where Your Target Audience Is


As you already know, there are multiple social media platforms available. It may be an effective strategy to use all of them, but sometimes, it can be more efficient to focus on just a few venues where a large chunk of your audience is. Considering this vital element can also help in allocating the proper funding for your promotional efforts, especially when you have a limited marketing budget to begin with.

Which platform is widely used by most of your existing and target audience? Are you hoping to acquire more professionals and businesses? Or do you want to focus this time on video content? These are just some critical questions that can help you identify which platforms can significantly benefit your marketing objectives. Once you know where your target audience is, you can then pivot your strategies to reach them more efficiently.


2. Use A Business Page


When it comes to building trust and credibility, clients typically look for a professional impression. As such, using a business page instead of your personal account might be better when posting content and engaging with your customers. A business page also usually has more advantages if you plan on using ad tools on social media.

Your audience can quickly identify your business each time they see a shared post from your page. Make sure you include in your business page all the information that’ll make it easier for leads and customers to contact you. Aside from your website, add your business’s email, contact number, and physical address if you have one.


3. Post Consistently


If there’s one thing you shouldn’t neglect if you want to fuel your MSP growth through social media consistently, it’s to always post content. You can schedule your posts so you won’t forget them. Another option is to hire a social media manager who can post content, respond to inquiries, and monitor other related activities.

A consistent online presence will give an impression that your brand is socially active and always striving to engage with customers. As your posts appear on their news feeds, there’s also a higher chance of active users remembering your business name and the services you offer. The next time they need such services, they’ll most likely look for your page to check what you do.

A word of caution though: consistent posting doesn’t translate to creating too many posts or content. Too much of anything isn’t good, which is very true when it comes to social media exposure. Too frequent posts might annoy your audience, which could lead to them unfollowing your page or even blocking it.



4. Be Creative And Compelling


Content is king, as they say, and this is something that can’t be overemphasized when it comes to social media marketing for MSP growth. That said, it’s a failproof method to produce creative and compelling content. For instance, when posting an image or video, you can think of ways to make the caption more interesting.

Keep in mind that consumers’ attention span is getting shorter and shorter. The first few seconds they spend reading your post or caption can make all the difference in capturing their attention. Whenever possible, add visuals such as videos, images, and infographics to your posts. These could help engage your target audience so they can respond to your call to action as intended.

Each time you produce content, always try to align its focus with the purpose of your marketing strategies. This will not only improve brand awareness but also help you acquire more potential leads and MSP clients.


5. Post Helpful And Valuable Content


It’s not enough that your content is compelling and creative. More importantly, you should prioritize its ability to be valuable to your audience. What will they gain out of it? Will the content solve their daily problems and dilemmas, whether in their personal lives or on a commercial level? These are just some of the questions you can use to determine if the content meets such a requirement.

Don’t strive too much to impress your readers and followers. It’ll be better if your content is authentic and helpful enough so they can relate to it. Think of ways to make your posts relatable. As mentioned, visuals are effective if you want to get better at making a connection with consumers. A good example is making tutorials and how-to videos, depending on the kinds of services you offer. If your MSP business is more into IT support, you can create easy-to-follow troubleshooting tutorials to help address their daily IT issues in the workplace.


The Bottom Line


Social media marketing is a tool that can be pretty effective as long as you can utilize it well. That’s why it’s worth the effort to take a step back and include it in your marketing efforts so you can grow your MSP business even more. While the strategy may involve tedious tasks and some challenges here and there, it can be a truly rewarding one once you get the hang of it.

To begin, know where your target audience is so you can identify which social media platforms to focus on. This can also help immensely when you have a limited marketing budget to work with. Remember to post helpful and valuable content. Be creative and compelling as you consistently post, but not overly so. Lastly, use a business page to make your strategy more professional and credible.


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