9 Ways to Write Exciting YouTube Titles for Your Video

June 22, 2023

As a creator, making fresh, compelling, and entertaining content is vital. This job becomes even more challenging with over 500-hour video uploads every minute. You want maximum viewers to view your content to stay relevant within the ever-growing creative industry.




Therefore, several YouTubers are fishing out tips and tricks for their channel’s growth. If you are one of them, we suggest starting with the titles of your videos. And there are innumerable ways to do this. If you were searching for ways that can help you to write exciting youtube titles, then this is the right place for you. In this article, we will unveil a few favorite tactics to make your Youtube videos more clickable and drive more viewers.


Why Does YouTube Title Matter?


Creators starting their YouTube journey neglect the importance of titling their videos with much more gravity. They take the video titles for granted and watch the best opportunities slip from their fingers. But if you are here, you must understand its importance.


Of course, there is no harm if you want to buy YouTube views to give your content the push it needs. And some companies offer genuine views as quickly as possible. But it is equally essential for you to work on your video content and titles to maintain that push.


The titles combined with tags, thumbnails, and descriptions for your videos are significant elements of your metadata. Similar to Google, YouTube also indexes videos. Adding video titles enables YouTube to index your carefully thought-out videos and makes them easier to be found by more users.


Two important reasons why you must pay special attention to the titles. Firstly, they will enable YouTube to suggest your videos to your intended audience. Next, a good video title allows your content to attract more attention than your competitive creators in the search results.


Best 9 Ways to Write an Eye-catching YouTube Title for Your Video


Of course, your aim should never shift from creating content worth your viewer’s time. Because regardless of how creative and alluring your titles are, hopeless content cannot go a long way, even if you buy YouTube views. But considering you are putting your heart, body, and soul into crafting your art, here are a few ways to write compelling titles to garner the views it deserves.




Create a Title that Matches Your Content


When working on titles or blogs for your online platforms, headlines precisely capture the essence of your written content. The same goes for your video content. It is always best to emphasize what your audience will benefit from viewing your videos.


It is tricky to focus on a single point when your content covers several topics. However, it is best to stay clear and not stray away from the primary purpose of your video. Write the video headline while thinking about what your views will obtain from your video content.


Research for Keywords and Add Them


You may know that YouTube stands among the most popular social networking platforms. But it also holds second place for the biggest ‘search engine’. And all search engines work best with keywords. Hence, YouTube needs SEO to index your videos and deliver them to your target viewers.


So, conduct thorough keyword research for your content. Look for keywords and how viewers use them to search. You may use special tools to find relevant phrases. Next, place them effectively in the title and description of your videos.


Keeping the keyword in the beginning or close to the front is ideal while framing your video titles. It enables potential viewers to see your videos’ relevance in an instant. You can also buy YouTube views if you want that initial push for your videos. Meanwhile, let keywords do their magic.


It Must be Clear and Crisp


Conciseness is key. Long titles often get cut by YouTube, and viewers may not understand the essence of video content when browsing the options. So, regardless of how captivating your title seems, it will be useless if your viewers cannot see it. Hence, stick to a short, clear-cut title within the character limit.


Try to Include Emotive Words


The subconscious mind plays a vital role when individuals choose a YouTube video. See what your viewers feel when browsing specific topics. You can create impactful titles using emotive words like profitable, fierce, helpful, luxurious, best-selling, competitive, and more.


Ignore Clickbait


Clickbait titles catch people’s attention and compel them to click on your video. These titles are usually overwhelming and exciting but do not deliver the viewer’s expectations. Thus, it can damage your relationship with your viewers. Overusing such titles may eventually break their trust and even cause them to stop watching your videos.


Add CTA or Call to Action


CTAs or call-to-action are a great way to garner your views. It invites your audience to carry out a desirable action. These CTAs include: learn more, check this out, watch this, start today, etc. Use powerful CTAs to drive more users and increase views. You can also buy YouTube views from sellers who offer real views to increase engagement.


Include the Number Whenever Necessary


Another trick for making your video titles eye-catching is by adding a number to it. These techniques are also great for your blog posts. It draws the attention of your users more as the viewer finds the title specific and easy to read. Using numbers makes content planning much better. Adding numbers among several letters helps your titles stand out.


Always Use Powerful and Attention-grabbing words


Do not underestimate the capability of your words. Your words have the power to create a picture in the viewer’s mind. An appealing title can create vivid and powerful mental reactions. These can create an image or evoke certain emotions, leading your audience to click on your video and increasing your views. Words like a break, win, crush, hidden, and high-performing are some of the words.


Keep the Title Within 60 Characters


The best tip for you to begin with when writing your YouTube video titles is by ensuring they do not exceed the acceptable length. You may write beautiful and captivating titles for your videos only to see them get truncated. As a result, your video views will also fall behind.


Keep to your title’s word limit to not go through this heartbreak. You can choose up to 60 characters to form your headlines to display clearly to your audience. These headlines are also easy to read. If you want, you can exceed the word limit to 70 characters.




Good titles can factor into whether people are scrolling past your videos or driving more views and boosting your channel’s growth. You can buy YouTube views for your channel. However, working on your content delivery is equally important. Therefore, you can follow the above tips and tricks to create interest in your audience and make them instantly click on your videos.


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