Why You Should Have A Solid Financial Model

Why You Should Have A Solid Financial Model

You are about to go see investors and raise funds for your startup and the questions start flowing. How much should you be raising? What is your business worth? How much equity shoufld you leave on the table? All these questions need answers before you meet investors....
How To Make A Relationship With Your Money Healthier

How To Make A Relationship With Your Money Healthier

  Despite the fact that managing cash issues can be undesirable, it is a fact of life that can’t be overlooked. This short article is full of pointers that will certainly assist you to obtain your financial resources in control. A penny conserved is a penny...
7 Common Habits of Successful Investment Bankers

7 Common Habits of Successful Investment Bankers

Becoming successful in any field requires a lot of work and a bit of luck. However, when you step into highly competitive and often unpredictable career fields such as investment banking, you’ll need more than that.   In fact, Wall Street is full of washed-out...
What is VWAP? (Volume Weighted Average Price)

What is VWAP? (Volume Weighted Average Price)

The volume weighted average price (VWAP) will give you the average price based on the volume that was traded and gives traders an idea on the current trends and value of a stock. This is extremely useful and is used by many institutions for entry and exit points for a...