It is critical for a business’s survival to prioritize marketing operations and improve them to match the needs of their customer base. While there are many new strategies popping up left, right, and center, you need a trustworthy and reliable brand to ensure they...
Education application development is a huge priority in today’s day and age. Most students have had to resort to online learning in the time of COVID-19. They need the best resources and learning tools that are available right now. If you have something new that you...
An estimated 2-5% of global GDP is estimated to be ‘laundered’ money. That is up to USD 2 trillion that is illegally processed and ends up in the hands of the corrupt and the criminal. From the laundromats used by the Italian Mafia in the 1920s to the cryptocurrency...
All business can be interpreted through profit and loss, and one of the main losses of any business is – taxes. Taxes are a necessity in any modern society as they fund public welfare and the state’s machinery. Many would argue that taxes are often unjustly...
Considering the current circumstances that have spilled over from the previous year, we all know that many companies are focused solely on survival. The pandemic has pushed many businesses to change how they operate, move to remote collaboration, and reduce their...