How Do You Growth Hack With SEO?

July 28, 2022

SEO is a difficult topic to understand and can be inaccessible to those just getting started in digital marketing. Growth hackers have discovered that SEO is the perfect way for startups and entrepreneurs to drive organic traffic and have found new ways of bolstering SEO for it to grow. The following tips and tricks will help you utilize SEO in a growth hacking way.


1. Content Marketing

Content marketing is the biggest trend of 2016 and 2018. When you create content for your website, you don’t just have to create it for SEO purposes. Your content could be featured on your social media accounts or blog. Furthermore, your content could be featured on other websites or blogs as a form of growth hacking. You can even guest post on other blogs to gain exposure and potentially new readers.


2. Link Baiting

This next growth hack is a little bit more complex than the others, but it can be extremely rewarding. Link baiting is the process of creating content that will attract other websites to mention your website. You can do this by writing interesting titles or creating clickbait. For example, if you create a video about something new you’re trying, then you can use a title similar to “This Is The Worst Thing Ever,” which will likely get people to click on it. Then, when they visit your website or landing page, they are more likely to buy from you or join your tribe if you’re in the business of building one. A good SEO growth hacker will be able to create these ‘linkable assets’ to capture more backlinks to your site with stellar content.



3. Social Media

Social media is a great way to obtain traffic. Not only can you spread information about your website or brand, but you can also create a following. If you have something interesting that people want to know about, then they will follow you on any of the major social media platforms. In order for this to be effective, though, you need to actually generate some content first. This means that before Instagram or Facebook existed, people built blogs and websites, so they had something to post. Create a blog and write interesting pieces of content that will attract an audience on social media websites as this will be one of the best ways to jumpstart your digital marketing.


4. Content Upgrades

Content upgrades are one of my favorite growth hacks for SEO purposes because it is free and simple to use. Next time that you create a new piece of content think about the content you wrote last month. Maybe it wasn’t as interesting as the one you just wrote. If you can update your old content to make it enticing again, then you could attract new traffic by having a more engaging piece of information.


5. Create Incentives

Creating incentives is one of the simplest growth hacks I can think of. You see, people are more likely to do something if they are incentivized to do so. They may even be willing to pay money for something they have wanted in order to receive said incentive. For example, when you create a blog or business website and have something to offer your audience, you can give them a free eBook to download. This will hopefully get people talking about your company as well as giving them free information.



6. Conversion Rate Optimization

Conversion rate optimization is one of the hardest areas of growth hacking, but it could be one of the most effective if done correctly. You see, conversion rate optimization is essentially getting more people to take action on your webpage or business website. This could be signing up for your newsletter, downloading an eBook, watching a video, buying a product (if you’re in business to make money), etc. Most of the time, it will be hard to get more people to click on your website, but CTR optimization can help you do that. The main thing is to spend time and money researching what people are reading and clicking on. Then, use this information in order to create content that will improve your conversion rate.


7. Guest Blogging

Guest blogging is a great way for others to share their success with the world or for you to share what path of growth you’re on with others. When guest blogging, you have a chance to spread not only your information but also your brand name through other websites or blogs, which can lead to new readers following or subscribing to your blog for future updates.


8. Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a great way to find what people are doing on your website and find out the areas in which you need to improve. The more data you analyze, the more information you’ll have about what your users want, so make sure to keep up to date with your analytics data. You should also make sure that you use this information in order to create content upgrades or offer incentives based on their actions.


9. SEO Versus Growth Hacking

One thing to note is the difference between growth hacking and SEO. The main difference between them is that SEO will help you with your search engine rankings, while growth hacking will help you get more traffic to your website or business. In order for this to be effective, though, you need to have a website or platform upon which people can go and use it for further research. Then, once visitors are there, they can find what they need in order to sign up for your newsletter or buy a product, etc. Both SEO and growth hacking can be used in a company’s marketing strategy, but they both lead in different directions, so it’s important that you make sure they are working together correctly.


10. Viral Marketing

Viral marketing is one of the most effective growth hacking techniques because it can help you gain more media exposure and new readers. You can create viral marketing in different ways, but the main goal is to get your message out through promotional videos or blog posts that are shared on social networks. You can do this by posting a video on YouTube, sharing a post on LinkedIn, or embedding it on your blog. This growth hack aims to get the information out there so that others will see it and share it with their friends and followers.


11. Social Media Ads

Social media ads are one of the most effective ways to grow your business and get more traffic to your site. Depending on what social media platform you choose, you’ll be able to create a small video or post that people can click on in order to learn more about your website or business. If you’re in an industry where people like to share information about companies that offer free giveaways, then these ads could help improve your conversion rate and provide a better experience for new readers.

Growth hacking is an effective way to get everything you need in order to grow your business or website. You’ll be able to create new and exciting ways for people to connect with you and for you to grow. As long as it’s done effectively, growth hacking can help you reach your goals in a short amount of time.


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