Top 10 Best Woocommerce Product Feed plugins In 2023

January 12, 2023


Do you think you need product feed plugins for your WooCommerce store?

Yes, you need a product feed plugin to uplift the promotional strategy of your store.

Because plugins will help you to promote your WooCommerce products on multiple famous channels such as Google, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, Snapchat, etc.

If you successfully promote your products on these platforms, no one will stop you from maximizing the growth of your business.

More and more audiences will be able to see your product ads. It will increase the visibility of your products.

In this article, we are going to discuss 10 must-have WooCommerce product feed plugins.

We hope that these plugins will help you to reach your potential customers more efficiently.


Benefits of WooCommerce Product Feed Plugins

Before knowing about the plugin, you should know the advantages of using a feed generator for your online shop.

So, let’s focus on that part.

Increase Visibility: When you are trying to online marketing of your WooCommerce products on multiple social channels, it will automatically increase the visibility of your products to your target customers.

Increase Website Traffic: Through social media channels, customers will go to your website to buy products. As a result, it will increase the traffic to your site.

Time-Saving: If you are going to create a product feed manually, that will cost a huge amount of time. But with feed creator plugins, you can generate feeds by clicking some options.

✅  Better Conversion Rates: By advertising your products on famous platforms, you are grabbing the customer’s attention. A good number of potential customers will purchase products from your store.



10 Must-have WooCommerce Product Feed Plugins for your Business

In this section, we will talk about those significant feed-generation plugins that are beneficial for your online store.

Without further delay, let’s see what’s in there!


1. CTX Feed – WooCommerce Product Feed Manager


CTX Feed is the most optimized, powerful, and error-free WooCommerce product feed manager plugin.

You can flawlessly generate 100% error-free product feed with the help of the CTX Feed plugin.

This plugin will help you to generate feeds for multiple famous channels such as Facebook, Instagram, Google Shopping, TikTok, and more than 100+ channels.

So you don’t have to worry about the promotion of your WooCommerce product. In fact, CTX Feed will allow the creation of unlimited numbers of product feeds for unlimited numbers of products.

Also, CTX Feed will help you to create product feeds on multiple file types, such as XML, CSV, TSV, XLS, TXT, and JSON, for various social media channels.

One of the biggest advantages of this plugin is its user-friendly interface. You don’t require any advanced programming knowledge to optimize a feed.

CTX Feed contains the most comprehensive feature called dynamic attribution. If your products don’t contain appropriate information, this function will automatically detect the missing data that your channel needs for feed.


🟢 Key Features

📌 100+ pre-developed templates.

📌 Unlimited numbers of feed generation.

📌 Category mapping opportunity.

📌 Autogenerated feed update functionality.


2. Product Feed Manager


Do you want to generate your WooCommerce product feed in a short amount of time?

Well, you should choose the Product Feed Manager plugin for your store. This plugin has 170+ pre-developed merchant templates to create feeds for your product promotional campaigns.

We know that Google Shopping Ads are one of the efficient ways to promote any type of eCommerce product. For this purpose, this plugin contains auto-sync functionality with Google Merchant Center.

If you connect your WooCommerce with Google Merchant Center, you don’t need to upload your feed manually.

Suppose you change any data in your feed. You might think that you have to upload your feed again during any change. There is no reason to re-upload the feed. Because the Product Feed Manager will automatically update your feed file based on your update schedule.

In fact, this plugin has powerful Google Analytics compatibility. So you can easily locate the performance of your Google Shopping campaigns.


🟢 Key Features

📌 Sync with Google Merchant Center.

📌 Powerful Google Analytics Supports.

📌 Auto Feed Update Ability.

📌 Variable Product Compatibility.


3. Product Feed PRO for WooCommerce


Product Feed Pro is one of the prominent and well-developed WooCommerce product feed plugins.

This plugin will give you access to multiple types of custom product feed templates for Bing Ads, Pricerunner, and Skroutz. You can easily use them for shopping and search engines.

Also, Product Feed Pro will integrate Google Dynamic Remarketing Pixel and conversion API to your WooCommerce Website. This functionality will merge with your feeds.

Furthermore, this plugin contains multiple feed optimization features such as field and category mapping, product variables, rule-based, etc.

One of the attractive features of this plugin is its advanced filtering and ruling option.

Suppose you want to create a product feed for the most profitable products. That feature will help to filter out low-performing products from the feed.

As a result, you can create product feeds based on your product performance.


🟢 Key Features

📌  Performance-based product feed optimization.

📌  Powerful Google Dynamic Remarketing Pixel function.

📌  Integration with WPML.

📌  Supports Google Analytics.


4. Product Feed on WooCommerce for Google, Awin, Shareasale, Bing, and More


Product Feed on WooCommerce is another useful and significant plugin to create a product feed for your online store.

Along with WooCommerce, you can use this plugin for different platforms such as Bigcommerce, Magneto, Shopify, VirtueMart, etc.

It will help you to create your product feed for 40+ different channels. If we compare its supported channels with other product feed managers, it will become less than others.

By the way, you can also create a custom product feed based on your shop’s requirements.

In your WooCommerce store, you have various types of products and multiple categories. So you might need to create feeds for the individual product categories. This plugin will help you to create product feed differently for each category.

When we run any promotional campaign, you must update your campaign-related information constantly. For this reason, this product feed creator will automatically update the feed data based on your preset schedule.


🟢 Key Features

📌 Support custom feeds.

📌 Optimize feed for the individual product categories.

📌 Schedule feed update option.

📌 Available for 40+ social channels.


5. ELEX WooCommerce Google Shopping Plugin (Google Product Feed)


Well, ELEX WooCommerce Google Shopping Plugin is specially developed for creating product data feeds for the promotion of your products on Google’s multiple platforms.

Why do you need this plugin?

We know the importance of Google Shopping Ads for your online shop. The majority of the shoppers search for their desired products in Google search results. As a business owner, you must promote your products on Google.

For that reason, this plugin will help you to optimize the feed and update the feed to the Google Merchant Center(GMC).

You have to serve multiple customers from all over the world. This feed manager supports various countries such as the USA, Saudi Arabia, Spain, South Korea, etc. So you don’t have to worry about the country’s limitations in promoting ads.

Along with the country, it also supports different languages such as English, German, Spanish, Russian, etc. You can use them based on your preference.

This plugin will help you to detect the feed performance. So you can customize Simple and Variable products based on data. By analyzing performance reports, you will be able to set your campaign strategy to grow your business.


🟢 Key Features

📌 Support various languages and countries.

📌 Efficient feed performance reports.

📌 Product feed attribute customization.

📌Quantity based feed generation.


6. Woocommerce Product Feed Manager


WooCommerce Product Feed Manager is especially famous for its simple and flexible customization ability.

This plugin is compatible with any type of Price comparison and search engine.

WooCommerce Product Feed Manager also contains a scheduled update option. So it will automatically update your feed according to your preferred time.

It has additional filters to customize your product feed. You can easily remove unnecessary and unprofitable products from the listing.

Furthermore, this plugin has an effective feature called innovative category manager. Through this function, you can optimize sub-categories for feeds.

Along with product feed generation, you can access another extension called Google Product Review Feed.

This option will attach product reviews with your Google Shopping Ads. So the potential customers will know about your product quality more specifically. It will help you to establish a strong brand image.


🟢 Key Features

📌 Most flexible user interface.

📌 Auto-generated product export.

📌 Supports multiple price comparison engines.

📌 Flawless channel management.


7. Product XML Feed for WooCommerce – Google Shopping, Social Sites, Skroutz & More


This feed creator will help to create an XML feed for your WooCommerce products. Through the Product XML Feed for WooCommerce plugin, you can set up custom XML templates Such as

  • XML header.
  • XML item.
  • XML Footer.

In fact, Product XML Feed is fully compatible with the WPML plugin. So you don’t need to be tense about worldwide customers. Because it will translate the feed into various languages.

This plugin works with the manual process. You have to implement an XML shortcode for feed creation. Whereas other plugins are run on the automatic process.

It has various additional filters for customizing the feed, such as

  • Catalog visibility.
  • Custom taxonomy to include.
  • Stock status.
  • Min and max product prices.
  • Attributes to include.


🟢 Key Features

📌 Options for products exclude and include.

📌 Product categories customization.

📌 Optimize stock status.

📌 Properly adjust product tags.


8. WP eBay Product Feeds


We know eBay is one of the biggest online shopping platforms. Large numbers of people purchase their daily necessary products from this online store.

If you connect your WooCommerce store with eBay, more customers will come into your store and purchase products.

With the help of the WP eBay Product Feeds plugin, you can also promote multiple eBay affiliate program products. One of the biggest advantages of this plugin is you can create feeds without any coding knowledge.

Also, this plugin has multiple types of feed templates. So you can easily edit, remove and delete them based on your working requirements.

It has a powerful feature called “ Smart Links.” This function will help you turn your eBay product links into affiliate links with just a few clicks.


🟢 Key Features

📌 Powerful Smart Links integration.

📌 Compatible with Gutenberg.

📌 Multiple feed templates available.

📌 Flexible feed customization opportunity.


9. YITH Google Product Feed For WooCommerce


YITH Google Product Feed for WooCommerce is another well-developed plugin for creating a Google Shopping Product Feed.

With this plugin, you can easily merge your WooCommerce product data on the Google Merchant center. The majority of online buyers will come into your store.

In fact, YITH Google Product Feed contains the most flexible and simple UI for customization. So you will not face any difficulties when generating feeds for Google Shopping Ads.

By the way, you will get the opportunity to choose your products for feeds based on product tags and categories. This filtering option will help you to include and exclude products.


🟢 Key Features

📌 Customize based on Simple and Variable Products.

📌 Set up the same value for all products.

📌 Integrations with other YITH plugins.

📌 Custom templates for feeds.


10. Shopping Feed For Google and Facebook by Simprosis


Our last plugin is Shopping Feed For Google and Facebook by Simprosis. This plugin uses a content API process to update your product data on Facebook and Google.

You don’t have to choose the product feed file type for updating the feed. It will automatically sync the product data on those social channels.

Also, this has plugin conversion tracking functionality. So you can easily get data about your ad campaign performance.

Besides that, it has a dynamic remarketing option. It will help you to promote your products to those visitors who have already seen your product ads.

Shopping Feed For Google and Facebook by Simprosis will help you to create feeds for multiple countries. Through advanced filtering options, you can customize the feed based on various parameters.


🟢 Key Features

📌 Advanced filtering ability.

📌 Dynamic remarketing and conversion tracking functionality.

📌 Auto-sync product information.

📌 Feed optimization for various countries.


11. DataFeedWatch by

DataFeedWatch is a must-have plugin if you want to keep your brand competitive in shopping campaigns while saving time.

This feed management software integrated with your WooCommerce shop will help you manage, automate, optimize, and distribute the product feed across 2000+ channels – including Google Shopping, Facebook or eBay. All of that done in 3 easy steps: creating your feed templates, going through the optimization panel and adjusting modifications to your feeds to optimize product information. 

If you’re looking for simplicity, this tool will be your easy way out. 

Plus, it’ll allow you to automatically create feed-based Search Campaigns on Google and stay ahead of your competition with a Price-Watch tool. 

Price-Watch checks which one of your competitors is selling your products and at what price, so you can be the most affordable or come out with the most attractive offering.


Final Words

Using a feed generator plugin is the most efficient way to market your WooCommerce products to the target audiences. It will help you to skyrocket the growth of your online business.

In this article, we have discussed some efficient WooCommerce product feed plugins. We hope these plugins will help you in your marketing strategy in the long run.


Author Bio

Fahim Muntasir

Fahim Muntasir works as a content writer at WebAppick – a giant WordPress plugin development company. He has better knowledge about proper keyword placement and link placement. He writes multiple SEO-friendly content for various famous websites. His specialized sectors are WordPress plugins and themes, WooCommerce development, Google Merchant Center, eCommerce, digital marketing, content marketing, and other topics.



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