Why Do You Need to Tackle Technical SEO Before Link Building?

February 14, 2023


Technical SEO is an essential part of your website’s overall online presence. With a solid technical SEO strategy, it’ll be easier for people to find and navigate your site, improving its ranking on search engines.

If you don’t have a well-defined technical SEO strategy, there’s a good chance that some of your pages aren’t even being crawled by bots. This can lead to less traffic and fewer conversions than you’d get if potential customers could find your site organically through Google search.

According to a Forbes article, technical SEO tells Google that your website is of high value. Google prioritizes offering the best and high authority results for search keywords to users. Focusing on technical SEO helps ensure that you meet Google’s requirements for a high-value website.


Technical SEO Can Be Challenging

Technical SEO can be difficult to grasp because it’s not a one-time project. It requires continuous effort and attention, which means that you must keep up with new developments in the industry and stay on top of things if you want your site to remain competitive.

Once you’ve done all the foundational work, there are still more steps before reaching perfection. This process involves regularly checking all aspects of your website, from crawl rate optimization, keyword analysis, and content creation down through social sharing buttons or mobile friendliness, and making adjustments when necessary.



Technical SEO is a massive part of an SEO strategy and can get you the best ROI. For instance, Moz says that the average ROI of any eCommerce company in SEO is $2.75 for every dollar. However, you must look for a professional local SEO company to make the most of your investment.

Hiring a local agency is vital because of its expertise in regional trends. While SEO can be done remotely, the local trends will set you apart. For instance, if you run a restaurant in Tulsa, any small agency will help you with general keywords, such as “best Italian restaurant near me” or “restaurants near me.”

However, a local Tulsa SEO company will know the latest trends, such as the flavors of Burmese cooking tradition, which has been recently gaining traction in Tulsa. It is the food of the Zomi people, and the largest Zomi population (7000-9000 people) lives in Tulsa. Hence, a local agency can use such trends to identify relevant keywords and attract local Zomi people.


Why Improve Your Technical SEO?

There are many reasons to improve your technical SEO before focusing on link building. The thing is that all aspects of a higher rank in search engine results work together. Hence, one cannot exist without another. Here are some reasons you must focus on improving technical SEO:

  • Better user experience: Having a site that’s easy to use and navigate will always be better for your users than having one that isn’t. If your site loads quickly and has no broken pages or errors, it can help boost trust in your brand. It will also encourage visitors to revisit your website. According to HubSpot, 88% of site visitors will not return to a poorly designed website, so you must always keep that in mind.



  • Higher search engine rankings: The same goes for search engines. Improve the quality of your content through keyword research and meta descriptions while also ensuring that all of those pieces are optimized correctly across different platforms such as mobile phones or tablets. This will help boost rankings across all major search engines, such as Google or Bing.


How to Improve Your Technical SEO

SEO is a lot more than just building links. It’s about ensuring that your website is easy for search engines to crawl, accessible to users, and free of errors. The best way to ensure these are all in place is by taking care of technical SEO first.


Make the Website Easier to Be Crawled

You must take certain steps to make your website more easily crawled by search engines. First and foremost, you must ensure that your site is built using semantic HTML. This means that every page has a well-defined structure and content for the different elements of its design.



For example, if an image appears on a page, there should be a tag around it that describes what kind of image it is. This will help Google’s bots to understand the context of the image, which can improve your rankings.


Ensure There Are no 404 Error Pages

A 404 error page is a web page that’s been requested by a user but doesn’t exist. It can happen for various reasons, such as the website has moved or deleted the page in question or never existed.

When you have no 404 pages on your site, Google will assume that all your content is healthy and up-to-date, which can be problematic if any of it isn’t. If you don’t want Google to penalize you for this mistake, ensure you have good 404s set up before moving on to link building.



Make All the URLs https://

To be a true SEO expert, you must know how to make your website more secure. This means that all of your URLs need to be HTTPS. HTTPS has some pretty significant advantages over HTTP. It’s safer than HTTP and can help rank in Google’s search results. Because of this, links from HTTPS pages are more powerful than those from HTTP pages.

When people link to your site using an https:// URL, Google knows that the page is trustworthy and authentic because it has been encrypted through SSL/TLS encryption technology. This makes it much harder for hackers or third parties like advertisers who want to access data about user’s browsing habits, giving those sites higher authority in Google’s eyes.

There’s also a new addition to this. Many websites are now adopting HTTP/3 URLs. These URLs show the website is faster and more secure. Its popularity is growing. According to data from W3Techs, 25.2% of sites already have HTTP/3 websites today.



Hopefully, this article has given you a better understanding of the importance of technical SEO. As we’ve seen, it can greatly impact your ability to build links and rank well in Google. This is why ensuring that your website has good technical SEO before starting any link-building campaign is essential.


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