7 Tips For Securing Your Instagram Account

February 25, 2022

It’s no hidden secret that Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms on the internet. With over one billion active users, it’s a great place to share your photos and connect with friends and family. However, since so many people use Instagram, it has become a prime target for hackers. And for that, this blog post will discuss seven ways to secure your Instagram account and protect your data!



1. Monitor Your Account For Any Unusual Activity

Hackers use different techniques to hack Instagram accounts. Some apps allow people to see other users’ passwords, and there are also phishing scams that try to get your login information.

To protect yourself from threats, continuously monitor your account for any suspicious activity. If you see anything weird, report it to Instagram immediately.


2. Enable Two-Factor Authentication

Two-factor authentication is a security feature that requires two forms of identification before someone can access your account. The first is your password, and the second can be a text message, email, or authentication app.

It can be tiring to have to input an extra code every time you want to log in, but it’s worth it for the added security. If a hacker manages to get your password, they’ll still need that second form of identification to get into your account.

You can enable two-factor authentication in your Instagram settings’ ‘Security’ tab. Once you activate it, you’ll be prompted to add a phone number or email address where you can receive codes. Every time you try to log in after that, Instagram will send you a code that you’ll need to enter before accessing your account.

There are a few different ways to set up two-factor authentication, so make sure to choose the one that’s convenient for you. For example, if you’re worried about losing your phone, you can set up an authentication app so that you can still access your account even if you don’t have your phone with you.


3. Use A Strong Password

Your account password is like the key to your home. You wouldn’t want anyone to have access to it, so why would you do the same with your Instagram account?

Creating a strong and reliable password is one of the most important things you can do to secure your online accounts. A strong password should be about eight characters long with a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols.

If you’re having problems creating a strong password on your own, there are plenty of resources online that can help. A password generator can be an excellent tool for creating unique and secure passwords for your Instagram account.

Once you have a strong password, make sure you’re not using it on other online accounts. Using one password for different accounts is one of the worst things you can do to protect your online information, as hackers can easily access all your accounts with just one password.


4. Limit Login Attempts



Let’s say you’ve got an Instagram account set up for your business, and you’re working to boost the marketing game there. You also want to prevent it from getting hacked for the sake of your business image. What do you do?

Your first action should be to limit the number of login attempts. This will make it harder for hackers to try and guess your password. You can do this in the settings of your account.

Limiting the login attempts is one of the most effective ways to secure your account. If you’re worried about someone guessing your password, this is a great way to prevent that from happening.


5. Review Your Account Settings

Another important thing you can do to secure your Instagram account is to review your account settings. You can disable access for others who may not be authorized users or change your password requirements in the settings. Here are some Instagram settings you should consider adjusting:

  • Notification Settings: You can choose to have email notifications sent to you for every activity that takes place on your account or only when someone tags you in a photo or leaves a comment. You can also turn off email notifications.
  • Photo Privacy: By default, Instagram sets your photos to be public so that anyone can see them. However, you’ve got the option of changing this setting so that only authorized users can view your photos.
  • Account Access: You can decide which devices and browsers are allowed access to your account by editing the authorized devices list. This is helpful if you share an account with others or use a public computer to access your account.

By taking the time to review and adjust your Instagram account settings, you can help ensure that only authorized users have access to your account and information. Additionally, these steps can help deter hackers from trying to gain access to your account.


6. Don’t Share Your Account With Anyone

Whether you’re sharing your account with a friend or family member or giving access to someone who’s helping you manage and grow your Instagram account, it’s important to remember not to share your login information with anyone. If you do, you could be putting yourself at risk of having your account hacked.

So be sure to keep your login information safe and secure, and log in to your account yourself for other users if possible.


7. Block Spam Accounts

Often, you will come across an Instagram account that is nothing but spam. Maybe they’re trying to sell you something, or they’re just posting a bunch of random links. You don’t want these accounts filling up your feed, whatever the case may be.

Luckily, there’s a simple way to shut them out. Go to their profile and tap the three dots in the upper right-hand corner. From there, select ‘Block User.’ Now you won’t have to see their posts anymore!

If you find yourself getting a lot of spam comments on your photos, you can also use Instagram’s built-in comment filter. Just go to Settings, and under the Comments tab toggle on the filter. Now, Instagram will automatically hide comments that contain specific words or phrases on your blacklist.


Final Word

Instagram is an ideal platform to connect with friends and family and share your interests. However, it is crucial to take some precautions to secure your account. These shared tips will help you do just that!


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