Are Single-Page Websites Good for SEO?

February 15, 2023


Single-page websites have become increasingly popular over the last few years. They allow you to create a website that loads quickly and is easier for users to navigate. However, many wonder if these sites hurt their SEO rankings. This article will tell you the answer to your question.


What Are Single-Page Websites?

A single-page website is a website with only one page. This may seem like it would be easy to design, but there are some challenges associated with creating a single-page site. First, you need to ensure that your content is organized so visitors can easily find what they’re looking for and understand what your site offers.

You also need to ensure that the content on this single page is optimized to not only get found by search engines but also rank well in them. Single-page sites are often confused with landing pages.

However, there’s an essential distinction between the two. Landing pages typically have just one goal, converting visitors into leads or sales. In contrast, single-page website developers should have multiple goals in mind when designing their layout and structure.



Benefits of Single-Page Websites

Single-page websites offer a lot of benefits. Here are some you should be aware of to decide whether to go with a single-page website:


Better Mobile Experiences

When designing a site, consider how it will be used on mobile devices. Single-page websites are inherently more mobile-friendly than multi-page sites since they don’t require users to load new pages to navigate through content.

For example, if you want someone who visits your site from their phone while they’re out and about, you can provide all the information on a single page. For instance, maybe someone is looking at what kinds of food trucks will be available at an upcoming event in a city. In that case, you can provide all the information they need on one page.

You can provide information on where each truck is located, what kind of food they serve, and whether there’s indoor seating. This way, no matter where your user is when she decides she wants some tacos or burgers tonight, she’ll have everything she needs right there at her fingertips.



This is beneficial because Google prioritizes mobile-friendly websites. In fact, Google announced that it has now shifted to mobile-first indexing for the entire web. Hence, regardless of whether you have a single or multi-page website, it is crucial to have a mobile-friendly website.

You can collaborate with a web development and SEO company to design a mobile-friendly single-page website. It will ensure you get all required services from a single source, including web development, software development, SEO, and marketing. You can pick an experienced service provider like LiveWebMedia.

LiveWebMedia offers a vast range of services for one-page and multi-page websites. Moreover, since the agency provides SEO services, you can rest assured about getting technical SEO on-point from the beginning of the website development.


Helps With Niche Targeting

The first thing to note is that single-page websites are suitable for niche targeting.

Let’s say you’re a chef in Los Angeles. You want people looking specifically for dining, so you can reach them with your message and convert them into customers. However, this can be challenging due to the vast competition. According to data from The Ascent, an average American spends $2,375 annually on dining and takeout services.

A single-page website allows you to do this by allowing visitors to find what they need quickly without having to dig through multiple pages of content or spend time figuring out how many clicks it will take before they get there.

These types of sites will often include some kind of call-to-action button or form so that users can submit information on their request as soon as possible and then get back into searching mode again.



A 1:1 Ratio of Links to Pages

A 1:1 ratio of links to pages is a good starting point. This means that, for every page on your website, there should be one link pointing to it from another page on your site. You can use a tool like Ahrefs or Screaming Frog to find out how many internal links are pointing at each of your pages.

Suppose you have too many or too few internal links. In that case, it may be time for an audit and cleanup effort so that all pages have roughly the same number of incoming links. Since a single-page website has only one page, everything will link to the homepage. This ensures that the links-to-pages ratio will remain 1:1.


Cons of Single-Page Websites

Besides the pros, there are also some cons to having a single-page website.


Not Enough Keywords to Target

You can’t target many keywords on a single-page website for several reasons. For instance, if you’re trying to rank for “best pizza in town” and all your content is about pizza, there isn’t much room left for other keyword variations.

Even if the search engines find some excellent content on your site that matches those queries, they may not be able to determine which pages are most relevant because the main topic already takes up all the best stuff.

Second, Google doesn’t like it when people try too hard or too little. They want everyone to play fair. And when people don’t play fair, their websites get penalized by ranking lower than they deserve in search results or, worse yet, disappearing altogether.



This means that if one page contains all relevant information about what people want from their query terms but still doesn’t rank high enough due solely to this reason alone, then chances are good someone else who did follow through with these guidelines properly could quickly overtake them without even trying very hard at all.


Lack of Advanced SEO Strategies

SEO is a big part of designing a website. Many think it’s just about keywords. But it’s not that simple. SEO is about ensuring people can find your website when they search for something related to what you do.

If your site has lots of long pages with tons of content, it will take them longer to find what they’re looking for, which means fewer customers coming through the door. However, single-page websites don’t have multiple smaller sections of content and information spread across different pages. Instead, they have a single long source of information.

Hence, it becomes challenging for single-page websites to quickly resolve a particular visitor query. Likewise, single-page websites are also not able to implement advanced SEO strategies. For instance, they cannot target comparison keywords, use dynamic parameters for pagination, or visualize a sitemap.


The Final Verdict

The final verdict is that single-page websites are not as good for SEO as multiple-page websites. However, this can differ based on what you require from your website. Usually, single-page websites are built only to relay information and not rank high. However, many single-page websites are built with business in mind and can rank high.

Single-page websites are also less likely to be properly crawled by search engines. Search engines may not find much when crawling through a single page of yours. And since they are not usually built for SEO, they often aren’t very friendly towards search engine bots and crawlers like Googlebot or Bingbot, making them less likely than multi-page sites.


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