9 Lead-Generating Content Frameworks For Your Business

May 9, 2022

Content frameworks are a collection of articles, blog posts, videos, and other forms of content that be arranged in whatever order you want to deliver your message. Content is the most important thing to have to attract the right clients for your business. When clients interact with your content and see it as valuable and useful to them, they’re likely to look deeper into what your business offers.

Lead-generating content is the foundation for building a profitable business fast using proven marketing strategies such as converting visitors into leads by offering value to clients, making them want to buy from you. Content needs to focus on your audience’s problems and pain points, with little focus on yours.



Here are the different content frameworks that you can use to generate leads for your business:


1. ‘Best Of’ Listicle

A listicle is a type of interactive content that breaks down a complex concept into simple, digestible sub-concepts. Listicles often take the form of ‘best of’ articles, like this example. The ‘best of’ listicle communicates with customers that if they’re looking for a service or a product, they can check the best of those products on that specific article.

Like quizzes and polls, listicles create user engagement through interactivity. The reader is encouraged to click to read further while also gaining valuable information. This makes them an extremely effective lead-generator because they’re both fun and functional. Note that the most successful listicles are those that have broad appeal, yet are highly specific and useful for solving a common problem.


2. How-To Guides

How-to guides are the most popular lead-generating content format in the world. While they can be written in different content formats—blogs, downloadable eBooks, etc.—they all share one thing: They’re all in-depth and comprehensive pieces of content that teach your audience how to do something, like how to use a new tool or solve a problem.

You can position your brand as a helpful resource in their lives every time they need to complete a task related to what you offer. And, when you help someone achieve their goals, they become invested in your brand and more likely to buy from you. How-to guides might take more time to write than other types of posts, but when you do them right, they can help you generate leads and build a loyal audience for your brand.


3. Checklists

A checklist is pretty much what it sounds like—a list of things readers can check out as they take action, or it might be a list of steps they need to take to complete some other action. Checklists are the most digestible form of content possible. They’re easy to scan quickly, and readers who want to get started on something can breeze through them and take action immediately.

Finally, checklists make for fantastic calls to action for readers who enjoyed your articles and need more information on such topics. You could create an email course about each checklist item, for example, or link back to related blog posts you’ve written in the past.


4. Comparison Guides

The structure of a comparison guide starts with identifying what two or three options are available for solving a problem, then outlining all the advantages and disadvantages of each option. Finally, you’ll add your opinion about which option is best and why, based on your experience. As long as you provide accurate information that helps people make informed decisions that align with their needs, this format will result in a really happy reader who might feel compelled to buy from you later on!

Say, you want to write about how to promote content online. You can create a comparison guide that compares these three methods of promotion: Facebook ads, Twitter ads, and Reddit ads. Each section would outline the pros and cons and give some tips based on your experience with them so far. At the end of each section would be some call-to-action where you can capture the reader’s email address or have them schedule time with you to learn more.


5. Infographics


Infographics are visual representations of information or data in your business. Over the last few years, they’ve become one of the most effective and popular types of visual content because they’re hard to resist. Infographics are fun to consume and can be created on almost any topic. They’re also versatile, meaning you can share them on your website, blog, and social media channels.

In addition to being incredibly engaging, infographics are highly shareable, which means more people will be exposed to your business. If you want to increase your brand or product exposure, creating an infographic is a great place to start.


6. Podcasts

Podcasts are another type of content that is easy for people to access because they can listen to a podcast while on the go as you would a radio or any other audio file. You don’t have to sit down to listen to a podcast; hence, it also appeals to business owners.

Creating a podcast is easy, and you can even do it from home. You’ll need to choose a topic, pick a format, and identify your audience. If you already have a blog or website where you’ve been posting content, this will help determine which kind of podcast you ought to create and who your target market is.

You must stick with the same topic for each episode. This will help people determine whether or not they want to listen to the entire podcast or just one part of it. When people listen to podcasts, they’re usually motivated by something specific—they want information about how to build their business or fix their car—so keep that in mind when choosing a topic for each episode.


7. Video Tutorial

More and more businesses create their video content to serve as an educational resource for potential customers. Videos often help explain how a product or service works, or how to use it. They can also be used to announce big news about the business or introduce a new partnership. Whatever the purpose of your tutorial, it’s important you include these elements in your content:

  • An introduction that sets up the context for the video and gives viewers a preview of what’s to come. This can be done by having someone speak directly into the camera or writing a small intro on-screen.
  • A demonstration that shows exactly how your product or service works. Remember to talk through each step so viewers can follow along easily.
  • Visuals demonstrate your message clearly and help walk viewers through complicated concepts step by step. These might include screenshots of your website or diagrams showing how a machine functions.
  • At the end of the video, a call-to-action encourages viewers to learn more about your business, e.g., “Want to learn more? Visit our website.”

The video format also allows you to come across as more authentic since you can show your face and the personality behind your business.


8. Email Newsletters

Newsletters are a great form of lead generation, as they’re an easy way to provide readers with a roundup of your latest content. However, newsletters aren’t always the best solution for keeping readers engaged and interested. While newsletters may be useful for short-term engagement, they can become very messy if you don’t target the right type of reader. Your subscribers’ list can get long, and managing it can be time-consuming.

Autoresponders help you keep your lists organized by automatically sending out emails based on triggers or conditions, such as signing up to your website or hitting certain milestones, like acquiring 200 subscribers. Autoresponders can also be triggered when someone completes a milestone activity, like opening an email and providing useful information to improve your approach moving forward.

Typical newsletter content includes:

  • Welcome remarks
  • Email drip campaigns
  • Personalized content recommendations

When sending email letters, know what format to send first to appeal to a customer. For example, when you get a subscriber, send a welcome email and introduce your business first before starting to sell any product.


9. Blog Post And Articles

Blog posts and articles can be used to generate leads in several ways. They’re what you’d call ‘evergreen content,’ which is searchable even years after publication. The purposes of blogs and articles are slightly different, but they’re both excellent lead generation tools.

Blog posts are short. You can use them to communicate with your audience about your industry’s latest news or trends. For example, if you run a web design agency, you might write an article about the latest trends in web design for 2022.

Articles are more extensive than blog posts. Think of an article as a deep dive into a specific topic within your niche. A great article will provide relevant information that people won’t be able to find anywhere else on the Web—information that’s so valuable that readers will share it across social media platforms or link back to it from their websites.



Content is a big part of any digital marketing strategy. But, creating and sharing quality content isn’t always as easy as it sounds—this is where frameworks come in. They’re incredibly helpful, particularly when created thoughtfully to help businesses grow. Always remember that your content should be focused on solving a user problem, not hard selling.


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