10 Paid Marketing Ideas For Realtors That Have High ROI

July 24, 2022


Any realtor will tell you that marketing is essential to success in the industry. After all, the more people you can reach, the more likely you are to find buyers and sellers. Paid marketing is a necessary part of the success of your real estate business. But with so many options available, it can be difficult to determine which ones will provide the highest ROI.

That’s where we come in. To make things a little more straightforward, we’ve put together a breakdown of some of the top paid marketing ideas that are sure to bring in more leads and sales for your business. Read on to learn more!


Top 10 Paid Marketing Ideas

1. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising

As a realtor, one of the best ways to reach potential clients is through PPC advertising. PPC (Pay Per Click) allows you to place ads on search engines and other websites, and you only pay when someone clicks on your ad. This makes it an effective and efficient way to reach your target audience.

Additionally, real estate PPC is highly customizable, so you can tailor your ads to specifically target the type of client you’re looking for. For example, you can target people who are searching for homes in a certain price range or location.

When done correctly, PPC can be a powerful tool for realtors who are looking to grow their businesses. If you’re not sure how to get started with PPC, there are plenty of resources available online or you can work with a qualified digital marketing agency. With a little effort, you can soon be tapping into a whole new pool of potential clients.


2. Social Media Ads

It should come as no surprise that social media has become one of the most powerful tools in the real estate industry. With platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, realtors can reach a vast audience of potential home buyers and sellers. Some realtors even choose to create Pinterest boards filled with pictures and articles about the homes they’ve sold, homes they have on the market, and even home improvement tips.

One of the most effective ways to use social media as a realtor is to run ads. By targeting a specific audience and using engaging visuals, realtors can achieve a high return on investment with social media advertising. With so many people using social media on a daily basis, there’s no reason not to take advantage of this powerful marketing tool.

Social media allows you to connect with potential clients on a personal level and build relationships with them over time. Additionally, using social media to reach out to your current and potential client base allows for an interactive experience, which is great for getting potential home buyers involved. And best of all, this form of marketing is relatively low-cost, making it an extremely cost-effective way to market oneself.


3. Banner Ads

You’ve seen them before, those strips of advertising running along the top or side of your web page. While banner ads may seem like a thing of the past, they can still be an effective marketing tool for realtors.

Banner ads work by displaying a graphic image or set of images along with a short piece of text. When someone clicks on the ad, they are redirected to your website or landing page.

One of the benefits of banner ads is that they can be targeted to specific demographics, so you’re only reaching people who are likely to be interested in your services. Additionally, banner ads can be placed on a variety of websites, giving you a wide reach. When placed on high-traffic websites, these ads can reach a large audience and generate leads for your business. They’re also relatively inexpensive, so you can run multiple campaigns without breaking the bank.


4. Create an SEO-Optimized Website

In order to be successful in the real estate industry, it’s important to have a well-designed website. A good website will not only help you to generate leads, but it will also give you a competitive edge in your market.

When designing your website, be sure to keep search engine optimization (SEO) in mind. SEO is the process of optimizing a website for Google search, making it more likely to appear in the top search results. The cost of creating a website can vary depending on your needs, but it’s important to invest in a quality site if you want to be successful in the real estate industry.

By working with a qualified web designer, you can create a website that is both visually appealing and optimized for search engines. This will give you the best chance of generating leads and growing your business. With a functional website that’s optimized for SEO, you can ensure that your site will be seen by potential clients who are searching for a realtor in your area. In addition to generating leads, a well-optimized website will also help you to build credibility and trust with potential clients.



5. Ad Retargeting

Have you ever noticed how, after visiting a website, you start seeing ads for that company on other websites? That’s because many companies use ad retargeting.

Ad retargeting is a form of online advertising that allows companies to show ads to people who have already visited their website. This is done by placing a piece of code on your website that places a cookie on the visitor’s computer. Then, when they visit other websites, they will see ads for your company.

Ad retargeting is an effective way to reach potential clients who may be interested in your services but not ready to commit. By showing them ads on other websites, you can remind them of your company and what you have to offer.


6. Get Involved in the Community

As a realtor, one of the best ways to market your business is to get involved in your community. There are a number of ways to do this, such as volunteering for local charities or sponsoring community events. Getting involved in the community is a great way to meet potential clients and build relationships.

When it comes to a paid marketing idea in your community, partnering with a local business is a great way to get your name around town! There are several benefits to working with a local business:

First, it can help you reach a wider audience. By teaming up with a business that is already established in the community, you can tap into their customer base and get your name in front of potential clients.

Second, partnering with a local business can be a great way to build relationships. When you work together on promotional activities, you have the opportunity to get to know each other and build trust. This can lead to referrals and recommendations down the line.

Finally, partnering with a local business can be more cost-effective than other marketing strategies. When you share the cost of promotional activities, you can stretch your marketing budget further and get a higher return on investment.


7. Influencer Marketing

In the real estate industry, it’s important to build trust with potential clients. One of the best ways to do this is through influencer marketing.

Influencer marketing is a form of marketing that focuses on using influential people to promote a product or service. In the real estate industry, this could involve working with an influencer who has a large following on social media.

By partnering with an influencer, you can get your company in front of a larger audience and build trust with potential clients. In addition, influencer marketing can be more cost-effective than other marketing strategies.


8. Sponsor an Event

Much like getting involved with a local business, sponsoring an event is a great way to get your name out in the community. When you sponsor an event, you have the opportunity to reach a wide audience and build relationships with potential clients.

There are a number of different types of events that you could sponsor, such as:

  • A charity event: By sponsoring a charity event, you can show potential clients that you care about the community. This is a great way to build trust and credibility.
  • A sporting event: Sponsoring a local sports team is a great way to reach potential clients who are interested in sports.
  • A community event: Community events are a great way to meet potential clients and get your name out in the community.


9. Text Link Advertising

When you’re reading a blog or researching an item on a website, often you’ll come across a word or phrase that’s hyperlinked to another website. This is called a text link, and it’s a very effective form of paid advertising.

Here’s how it works: businesses sign up for a text link ad service, and then they create ads that contain links to their website. These ads are then displayed on websites that are related to the business’s products or services. When potential customer clicks on one of these ads, they are taken to the business’s website.

Text link advertising is a great way to reach potential customers who are already researching something related to your field. Plus, it’s a cost-effective form of advertising–you only pay when someone clicks on your ad. So why not give it a try? You might be surprised by the results.


10. Popup and Pop-under Ads

All ads are a little different. Some are aggressive, right in your face when you open a web page, and to be honest, quite annoying. Others can be more subtle and understated.

Popup and pop-under ads fall into the latter category. These ads appear in a new window on top of or behind the page you’re currently viewing. They’re usually triggered by a certain action, such as moving your mouse cursor to the edge of the screen or clicking on a link.

While popup ads can still be annoying, they’re actually quite effective at getting people’s attention. In fact, popup ads tend to have a higher click-through rate than other types of ads.

Pop-under ads are even more effective because they’re not as noticeable and can be easily dismissed if they’re not relevant to the user. However, both types of ads can be beneficial to website owners and advertisers alike. When used properly, popup and pop-under ads can be a great way to improve your website’s revenue.

As a realtor, it’s important to invest in marketing that will reach your target audience and generate leads. While there are many free marketing strategies you can use, sometimes it’s worth paying for a more comprehensive approach. Remember, the key is to focus on quality over quantity, and to find the right mix of strategies that work for your business.

The 10 paid marketing ideas in this article are all effective ways to reach potential clients and grow your business. With a little trial and error and a little creativity, you can tailor these ideas to fit your budget and business goals. So take the time to explore each option and find the paid marketing strategy that works best for you.


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