How to Build Effective Real Estate Landing Pages

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Created November 13, 2020

As a real estate professional, whether you’re trying to find buyers for a property or looking for homeowners who want to sell their houses, whatever helps reach your target audience better is a welcome advantage. At any point in time, the property market is heavily crowded, and getting your message out can be challenging.

Therefore, if you have access to a specialized tool that gives you individuality and lets you get heard above the noise, you will gain the edge over your competition. One of the tools is a well-built real estate landing page.


What is a landing page?

A landing page or a squeeze page is a single page on your website linked to ad campaigns on Facebook, Google, Pinterest, other websites, or email. It is used to generate traffic to a web page designed to get visitors to give you their contact information in exchange for free content, home search, or home valuation tools.

Unlike the website’s homepage, which all web visitors use, the landing page is targeted at specific types of users and crafted to make them take a single action. This action may be to give you their email address, phone number, sign up, or buy something. Landing pages are typically used by realtors, developers, or real estate agencies.


Types of real estate landing pages

There are three main types of real estate landing pages.


1. Home value landing pages

These landing pages target potential sellers by offering to give them an estimated value for their property. Most often, the visitor must enter their home address in a form located on the screen to get the estimate.

There are two types of home value landing pages:

Instant valuation landing pages: The visitor receives an instant home valuation when they enter their home details and contact information in the form. These have a high conversion rate, but the estimates are not always accurate.

CMA (Comparative Market Analysis) Offer or Delayed Valuation Landing Pages: Here, the visitor is asked to leave their contact details with the promise that they will be contacted for a more accurate valuation. The seller is usually required to pay, and the valuation is professionally prepared.


2. Home search landing pages

These are targeted at buyers, investors, and other individuals looking for a property within a specific locality. Visitors to the page can search the website’s property database. Usually, the visitor must leave their email address to get access to an unlimited number of searches.


3. Free content landing pages

These target both buyers and sellers with information that may be useful to them. The free content can include e-books, checklists, guides, or market research. The list of covered topics can consist of any real estate related issue. To gain access to the content, visitors must provide their contact information.


How to build a high converting landing page


There are four parts to designing productive real estate landing pages:


1. Engaging Copy

The first and most crucial aspect of high conversion landing pages is excellent content. The following are the rules to observe when creating landing page content:

KISS – Keep it short & sweet: Your content only has a few seconds to grab visitor’s attention. You can ensure that it does this by going straight to the kernel of the matter. Using short declarative sentences will also gain attention.

Break up your content: People find large chunks of text intimidating; break it up using images, bullets points, headers, subsections, and icons.

Be precise: Avoid making generalized statements; instead, be specific and back up claims with statistics. Also, find places within the text for words that ask the reader to take specific actions.

Include social proof: People trust the words of ordinary people like themselves more than the claims of a brand; use testimonials.

Use evocative images and videos: Pictures grab attention, and visitors are more likely to watch a video than read text. But only use pictures of the actual property or real people, not stock photos.

Maintain focus: Content must be written to bring visitors to one inevitable conclusion. Your most important content should be the first thing visitors see. Keep less critical content below the fold.


2. Overall design

Design can make or break your content. Key things to pay attention to when designing the page are:

Simplicity: By using layout, fonts, or images that are easy on the eye, easy to read, and do not distract from the main message of the page.

Evocative: Use colors and pictures that the audience can identify with and which trigger the right psychological response in them.

Make the page responsive: A responsive web page, just like a responsive website – – is one that looks good on desktop computers, as well as handheld devices.

Use a landing page template: These make the work of designing your landing page easier by relieving you of the burden of building your landing page from scratch.


3. Optimized Call-to-Action (CTA)

The call-to-action is the most important element on the landing page. Everything on the landing page is designed to bring visitors to this single component of the page and get them to respond to the CTA.

Steps to optimizing the call-to-action include:

  • Making the CTA button stand out by using the right size and color. It should be the most prominent part of the landing page.
  • Use inviting CTA text. The words that go on the CTA button should not be words that make people feel bullied or do some work.
  • Keep the CTA below the fold. This will force readers to scroll down to find it, giving you time to convince them.


4.  Follow-Up

Instead of asking leads, provide much information on the landing page, it is best to present them with one or two questions only. If they answer these questions, they have shown interest and commitment, and may now be taken to a secondary page where they will be asked to provide additional information. Doing this removes the visitor’s initial resistance and ensures that only the highest quality leads are captured.

Promoting your landing page

Finally, how do you get your landing page in front of your target audience? There are two basic methods:

Paid advertising: This is when you want to get much traffic in the shortest possible time. It is the more expensive option and includes Google, Facebook, and other types of online advertising.

Link building: This is a long-term approach that involves publishing guest posts on specialized blogs or media outlets, cross-posting, and email campaigns.


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