7 SEO Trends Worth Trying to Promote Your Online Business in 2023

December 14, 2022

The world of search engine optimization (SEO) is changing quickly. To stay on top of the latest trends and make sure you are getting the most out of your SEO efforts, you need to be ready to adapt.

While there is no one-size-fits-all approach, here are seven SEO trends from 2023 that will make sure your online business remains competitive in this fast-paced landscape:



Trend #1: Videos Will Become More Important

It’s no secret that videos are more engaging than text. Videos are also more memorable and have a higher click-through rate than other types of content. In addition, it makes them a popular choice for SEO because they’re easy to manipulate in terms of keywords and descriptions.

Video can be used in an array of ways to promote your business. For example, on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, in email marketing campaigns, and even within paid advertising campaigns.

A survey by HubSpot says that around 44% of marketers found creating videos relatively easy than other promotional activities.

Thus, if you are an online business in Connecticut (CT), you have a huge potential to promote and market your business online through videos. As per the US Census data, the per capita income in Connecticut is $47,869 in 2021, which is way over when compared to that of the US, i.e., $37,638.

At the same time, the average household income in Connecticut is $83,572 compared to the average US household income of $69,021.

Therefore, the data reflects that the spending capacity of people in CT is higher than that of the average US citizen. Hence, promoting your business online in the Connecticut market can give profitable returns to your business.

Promotional business videos are a great way to tell your story and get your name out there. A local company that specializes in SEO in CT can help you create a promotional business video that’s sure to capture the attention of potential local customers in Connecticut.

The video will contain information about your business, what you offer, and why customers should choose you over other companies. It is important to build your brand because it helps potential customers get to know you and what they can expect from working with you.

The length of a video is also crucial to determine. The average online video is between 30 and 60 seconds long. If your content is too short, it might not be able to convey the message effectively. On the other hand, if it’s too long, people will lose interest and click away from your page.


Trend #2: Voice Search Will Continue to Grow

As the world moves into the next decade, voice search will continue to grow. Voice search is more natural, efficient, and accurate than text-based searches. It’s also more accessible and intuitive, as people can use their language instead of trying to decipher a keyword or phrase from a list.

Voice search also has many social benefits. For example, you can ask your friends what they think about something through voice commands and receive real-time responses.

According to Statista, nearly 31% of smartphone owners worldwide use voice tech once a week for searching. This feature makes voice search much more responsive than other platforms.

Voice search has a lot of potentials and is in its developing stage. However, technology needs to improve so people can use it more easily and effectively. One problem is that voice search only works in some languages, such as English and Spanish. Another issue is that the software often misinterprets what users say in the text.


Trend #3: Mobile-First Indexing Will be the Priority

Mobile-first indexing is a ranking signal that emphasizes your site’s mobile presence instead of its desktop version. It means that Google will look at your website through the lens of a mobile device when determining how it ranks in search results. If you haven’t been optimizing for mobile devices, this habit will pay off now more than ever before.

Here are some tips for getting started with mobile-first indexing optimization:

  • Use Schema Markup: Schema markup is used to define the purpose of different sections of content on your site. It can also be used to display rich snippets in search results. As more and more websites embrace schema, it is predicted that it will become even more crucial to increase click-through rates from SERPs.
  • Optimize Your Site Speed: According to Google and other reports, speed does matter in SEO ranking factors, so ensure your website loads quickly.
  • Make Sure You Have HTTPS Secure Web Server Access: It’s recommendable using HTTPS whenever possible because HTTP connections aren’t secure by default. It means potentially sensitive data could be intercepted or modified during transmission between user devices and websites with insecure HTTP connections.


Trend #4: AI is Changing the Game

If you’ve been following the news, you know that artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming more and more prevalent in everyday life. From HomePod speakers to Alexa-enabled devices to chatbots on websites and apps, AI is already changing how people consume content.

According to Fortune Business Insight, the global smart speaker market is expected to expand in the coming years and is projected to reach nearly $34 billion by 2028.

In 2023, AI will be able to do more than just improve the efficacy of your search results. It’ll also help you understand why certain pages rank higher than others. That means you can use AI to figure out which keywords are most relevant for your clients and optimize their sites accordingly, helping them reach their goals even more quickly than before.

In 2023, search engines will give more emphasis to AI to identify and rank websites. It means that the algorithms used to determine which websites are most relevant to specific searches will be based on an analysis of the content of each page.

All of this will happen in real time, so if a new website is created every second, that site will have an opportunity to rank at the top of the results page as soon as it’s created.

In short, AI can make all kinds of decisions for you. It will be able to find the best-performing keywords, write content that gets tons of clicks and shares, and optimize your website, so it shows up on the first page of Google.


Trend #5: Optimizing for Featured Snippets Is Critical


Ask any SEO expert, and they’ll tell you that featured snippets are the best way to increase your organic traffic.

Featured snippets are Google’s answers to questions people have typed into their search engine. When people search for something, they often want an answer immediately, and Featured Snippets provide that answer in a box on the SERP.

If someone searches for “what is the cost of designing a website?” and clicks on one of your site links from the SERP, you could show up in their Featured Snippet box.


Trend #6: User Experience Will Be at the Heart of Everything

User experience (UX) is how people feel when they use a product. It focuses on improving product usability and ease of use so that users can achieve their goals with minimal frustration. For example, if you want to make an online purchase, it should be easy to find your preferred item and complete the transaction quickly.

If your website has poor UX, it could affect SEO ranking because Google sees a bad user experience as a sign of low-quality content or links pointing at your site. However, if you can improve your website’s UX, this will increase user satisfaction. It will lead to higher conversion rates and fewer bounced visits from search engines like Google.


Trend #7: Give More Emphasis on “People Also Ask”

One of the many changes that Google has made to its search algorithm is adding People Also Ask. This feature was added to provide users with information on topics related to their original query. Not only does this help people get the information they need but gives you a chance to be featured in search results by using this new feature.

How does “People Also Ask” work? First, you submit your questions to this feature, and then Google will go through all your topics and find related questions that have been asked on Reddit, Quora, YouTube, etc. Then, based on those results, they will display them underneath your original question so anyone searching for any topic can easily come across your content.


Focus On Trends to Get Higher Ranking on the Search Result Page

The SERP is the virtual representation of your business. Therefore, you want to ensure that it displays in the most favorable way possible. To do this, you need to focus on relevant trends to your industry and audience. For example, if you own an online store for dog grooming supplies, you will want to ensure that your site has been optimized for dog grooming products.

The seven SEO trends will help you promote your business and gain more customers. These trends will help with search engine rankings and boost your brand. However, remember that one of the most important things is always to focus on quality content, which can help improve user experience and increase traffic from social media platforms.


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