Top Email Marketing Tips and Practice

June 30, 2022


Email marketing is one of the most influential and powerful tools in a digital marketer’s arsenal. With the correct strategy, you can rake in lucrative business from your contact list. In this article, we talk about the top email marketing tips and practices you can apply to your email campaigns. Read on!


Segment Your Customers

Email marketing can take many forms and work on many goals, such as welcoming customers, announcing new features or products, sharing promos, and more.

Your strategies will be more effective if you segment your email list, which you can do by checking their demographics, amount of engagement, and customer journey, among other ways.

Segmenting your audience allows you to get to know them better. You can then offer better products or services through emails that your customers will more likely notice.

If you have an inadequate amount of email lists, try


Personalize Your Messages

It’s a huge turn-off when a customer receives a marketing email that’s clearly not for them only — or not for them specifically. It shows that you don’t know your customer, and your email goes to the digital trashcan.

On the flipside, personalizing your emails can bring about huge benefits, such as higher open rates, better ROI, and greater revenue per email. In fact, the ROI for personalized emails is around 122%.

Pro Tip: send your emails from a personal email, not a company or generic one. Customers are more likely to trust and open emails that have a real person’s name and address other than just the company name. While you’re at it, try to make your subject lines as personalized as possible.


Email New Contacts Within a Day

Once a contact signs up for your newsletter or offer, your window of opportunity becomes 24 hours — send them a personalized email within that timeframe.

It’s not only a great time to set expectations right and leave a nice impression; it’s also a great opportunity to know what kind of engagement to expect from the customer.

For those interested in elevating their email marketing strategy with real-world inspiration, exploring a variety of email flow ideas from top brands can be incredibly beneficial. These examples not only enhance creativity but also provide practical insights into successful email marketing practices.


Try Email Automation Services


Email automation services like Constant Contact, MailChimp, and ConvertKit are great because they save time. On top of that, they ensure that you can send the right messages at the right time.

Many companies use email automation services in tandem with their budget and accounting teams. For instance, they send invoices and billing reminders automatically. You can personalize your customers’ experience with you if you take advantage of such services.


Comply with Relevant Laws

While conducting email marketing campaigns, make sure that your strategy is compliant with relevant laws. There are two oft-cited laws you should be aware of:

  • The GDPR: the General Data Protection Regulation is meant to protect internet users’ personal data. To comply with this law, your email should have a clear opt-in option in your email campaigns.
  • The CAN-SPAM Act of 2003: CAN-SPAM is an acronym for Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing. Under this act, your company addresses and names in emails should be authentic. There must be a visible link that lets recipients unsubscribe from your emailing list.

Monitor Your Emails’ Performance

Have a clear plan for monitoring and evaluating your emails’ performance. Check their open and click-through rates and look for opportunities to improve your email copy.

It’s also best practice to run A/B tests, which further show what your recipients want from your emails. This practice lets you test multiple versions of a marketing campaign. After determining which campaign offers better results, you compare it with your other efforts and find out what you did right and wrong in each version.

You can also test multiple variables, including your emails’ CTAs, subject lines, videos, content, and others. Test one variable at a time for better assessment results.


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