Divi Maps Not Working with API Issues [SOLVED]

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Created November 21, 2020

Are you having trouble getting your Google Maps module on Divi to display properly?

If you are building a website with the popular Divi theme, then you might have come across a maps module that looks like this.

This could flash when you first try and add a Google Maps module or when you upload a premade template from the Divi library. Being able to properly display the maps module takes an API key from Google Cloud Console and requires a billing profile and a few extra steps.

Unfortunately, (and in my most humble opinion) Google Cloud Console is clunky and difficult to navigate, and understanding the proper way to connect it with Divi can lead to confusion. Hopefully, these steps can help you avoid the long hours of frustration of something that should have been super simple.


How to Connect Google Cloud Console to Divi Google Maps

Here are the steps required to display the Google Maps module correctly and some common mistakes you might run into along the way.


Step 1: Create a new project on Google Cloud Platform

The first thing you want to do is head over to Google Cloud Platform and create a new project.

google cloud console project

Name your project and connect it to your Google billing account.

**Important Note – While most small business websites will not incur any charges from Google, it is still required to include billing information for each profile and you are only allowed to have 2 projects running on a single billing profile. If you are working with many clients that use Google Maps on their website, you might need to set up a different billing account for each client. **

One common error that many people run into when the maps module is not displaying properly has to do with an incorrect billing setup. Remember, a single billing account can only be used for two projects.


Step 2: Create APIs Required for the Divi Maps Module

Open the main menu for the Google Cloud Platform and hover over “APIs & Services” and click on “Library”.

library google cloud

**Note – This next step is important and usually is the most common issue with the maps module not displaying correctly. **

You will need to enable 2 different APIs for the Divi Maps Module to display correctly.

  1. Maps JavaScript API
  2. Geocoding API

Often, Divi builders will simply enable the Maps JavaScript API (Maps for your Website) and will not know they need to enable the Geocoding API as well.

 geocoding api example

Once you have enabled both the Maps JavaScript API and the Geocoding API, it is time to gather credentials to plug into the Divi theme.


Step 3: Create Credentials to use Google APIs on Divi

Next, head back to the main menu of Google Cloud Platform, hover over “APIs & Services” and click on “Credentials”.

credentials Google Api

On the credentials page, click on “+ Create Credentials” located at the top of the page and then clock on “API key” to create your new API key.

API key created

Now you have your API key that is ready to plug into the Divi theme.


(Optional) Step 4: Restrict API Key

You have the additional option to restrict the API key to specific rules to eliminate the possibility of someone stealing your credentials and using it in a different area on the web (and charging your billing account for it).

You can restrict the key by specific APIs, IP addresses, or web sites. For our clients, we will simply restrict the key to match the exact website address.


Step 5: Add the API key to the Divi Theme

In this final step, you will add the API key to the Divi theme to be used throughout the website. In the backend of your WordPress build, click on Divi and “Theme Options” in the left side menu. Under the General tab of the Divi Theme Options is an option to add a Google API Key. Copy the API key you created and paste it here and then click “Save”.

 divi theme example

Finally, refresh the current page displaying the map and voila! You now have a working Divi Maps module.


Divi Maps Module Still Not Displaying Correctly?

If the maps module is still not displaying correctly, right-click on the page and click “Inspect” to view the page source code. From here, click on “Console” to display JavaScript loaded on the page and if there is something wrong with the Maps module, it will be displayed here and will give you the information you need to move forward.

 JavaScript console

We know just how frustrating it can be when there is a technical problem when building a website. We hope that this guide was able to eliminate one of those headaches to get you back on the creative process.

Good luck!


  1. Rus

    Thank you! it worked!

  2. Sarah Austin

    Thanks VERY much, finally got to the bottom of the maps mystery! I really appreciate this post

  3. Ruth

    What a great guide, thank you. Clear instructions. I’d been going round in circles on this one!

  4. Eric Oxenberg

    If you don’t specify an API, Google should authorize all of them. By the article above, this may or may not be so. If you use Google’s global command, */domainname.com/*, Google should authorize the entire site. It doesn’t do that either; I always need to specify the exact page to authorize, with both www and no-www prefixes. I’ve always wondered whether it is the Google API service or the Divi module that’s so stupid, and still haven’t figured it out.

  5. Richard Hart

    Awesome very helpful


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