The Influence of Automated Workflows on the Future of Employment

June 15, 2023

As we find ourselves deep in the digital era, automation is increasingly shaping the landscape of the employment sector. From manufacturing assembly lines to clerical functions in office environments, automated workflows have the potential to dramatically change the future of employment.



Understanding Automated Workflows


Automated workflows refer to a series of actions performed by software systems with minimal or no human intervention. These actions can range from sorting and categorizing emails to generating reports or even operating machinery in a manufacturing setting.


The goal of automated workflows is to enhance productivity, reduce error, and streamline processes that would typically be time-consuming or prone to human error. Automation software leverages technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), and Robotic Process Automation (RPA), among others, to complete tasks that used to require human effort. As such, it has profound implications for the workforce of the future.


Automation: A Double-Edged Sword


Automation is indeed a double-edged sword. On one hand, it holds the promise of greater efficiency and productivity, the potential for cost reduction, and the ability to free employees from mundane and repetitive tasks, in turn, enabling them to focus on higher-value work. On the other hand, it stokes fear of job losses and unemployment due to machines taking over human roles.


The Bright Side of Automation


Automated workflows can increase efficiency and accuracy, which can lead to substantial cost savings for businesses. A report from the software company, UiPath, showed that 70% of business leaders saw improved productivity after implementing automated processes.


An added perk of automation is that it frees human workers for more complex tasks that machines cannot perform. Even though automated workflows can manage repetitive tasks effectively, they lack the human touch – the ability to think creatively, make strategic decisions, and build emotional connections.


By taking care of routine tasks, automation can enable employees to focus on more fulfilling work, potentially leading to higher job satisfaction.


The Dark Side of Automation


Despite the advantages, there’s the inescapable reality that automated workflows could potentially lead to job losses. A widely cited study by Oxford University predicted that 47% of jobs in the U.S. are at risk of being converted to automation in the near future. In addition, there are concerns about data security and privacy, as automation involves handling large amounts of sensitive data.


The Future of Employment in an Automated World


While it’s true that automated workflows can potentially replace certain jobs, they also open up opportunities for new roles. There are three key ways automation is likely to influence the future of employment:



Reskilling and Upskilling


As automation takes over routine tasks, there will be a growing need for skills that machines cannot replicate. These include complex problem-solving, critical thinking, creativity, emotional intelligence, and leadership. Workers will need to upskill and reskill to stay relevant in the changing job market.


Emergence of New Jobs


Automation doesn’t just replace jobs; it also creates new ones. Based on findings by the World Economic Forum, 65% of today’s primary school children will work in jobs that don’t currently exist. We’ll see an increased demand for roles such as data analysts, machine learning specialists, and process automation experts.


Redefined Work Structures


With automation handling routine tasks, work structures are likely to be redefined. We may see a shift from rigid job descriptions to more fluid roles. Instead of doing a set list of tasks, employees might have more flexibility to work on different projects, collaborate across departments, and contribute to strategy and decision-making.


Robotic Process Automation


Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is a technology that is setting the stage for the widespread adoption of automated workflows across industries. RPA involves the use of software robots, or “bots”, to automate routine, monotonous tasks that were previously performed by humans. This section delves into how RPA platforms are transforming employment through automation.


What RPA Brings to the Table


RPA platforms and tools, such as UiPath provide businesses with the tools to design, deploy, and manage software robots. These robots can emulate human actions in digital systems, allowing them to manage tasks that range from data entry and invoicing to customer service and beyond.


By taking over repetitive tasks, RPA bots not only improve productivity and accuracy but also give employees time to engage in more meaningful work. In essence, RPA enables businesses to delegate routine tasks to bots while human employees focus on strategic, creative, and complex problem-solving tasks.


The Impact of RPA on the Future of Employment


RPA is likely to reshape the future of employment in several ways:


Job Transformation


As RPA bots take over routine tasks, jobs will become less about rote work and more about managing and improving these automated processes. Roles may shift toward maintaining the RPA systems, solving problems the bots can’t handle, and developing strategies to optimize automation.


Increased Demand for New Skills


With the implementation of RPA, the job market will see a growing demand for skills related to managing and optimizing these systems. As such, we can expect to see an increased need for RPA specialists, data analysts, AI specialists, and other roles related to the development and maintenance of automated systems.


Evolution of Work Culture


By removing the burden of monotonous tasks from employees, RPA could contribute to a significant shift in work culture. With bots handling routine work, employees might experience greater job satisfaction as they are given the opportunity to engage in more fulfilling, higher-value tasks.


Mitigating RPA’s Challenges


Like any technology, RPA isn’t without its challenges. Key among them is the fear of job loss due to automation. To mitigate this, businesses and educational institutions need to partner to provide training programs that equip the workforce with the skills needed in an automated world.


Moreover, data security concerns also need to be addressed. Organizations should prioritize implementing robust security measures and protocols to protect sensitive data handled by RPA bots.


Embracing the Automated Future with RPA


The rise of RPA is an exciting development that promises to make businesses more efficient and jobs more fulfilling. By understanding and preparing for the changes this technology brings, we can harness its potential to shape a more productive and satisfying future of work.


While RPA and other forms of automation might disrupt traditional job roles and workflows, they also pave the way for a new era of work where creativity, strategic thinking, and problem-solving take center stage. This shift not only leads to businesses functioning more efficiently but also contributes to employees finding greater satisfaction in their work.


Embracing the Change


The influence of automated workflows on the future of employment is undeniable. While there are legitimate concerns about job displacement, it’s important to note that this isn’t the first time technology has disrupted the job market. Throughout history, from the industrial revolution to the advent of computers, we’ve navigated through similar changes.


Automation presents both challenges and opportunities. The key to navigating this transition successfully is adaptability. As individuals, we can prepare ourselves by continually learning and updating our skills. As businesses and society, we need to invest in education and training to ensure that our workforce is prepared for the changing job landscape.


Automation isn’t a threat to employment; it’s an opportunity to redefine it. With the right preparation and mindset, we can leverage automated workflows to create a future of work that’s more efficient, productive, and fulfilling for all.



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