We send and receive emails every day. It often happens that we have to send business emails to potential clients, but we have no idea how to make them work. Read on to find out how to write the winning first email to a potential client.

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perfect first email

Set Your Goals

First and foremost, do your research and segment your audience to be able to target it properly. If you know who you are writing your emails to, you will be able to create relevant email and phrase them correctly.

Next, set your goals. What are you trying to achieve with your emails? Of course, your primary focus is getting a new customer, but think of what kind of action you want them to complete apart from making a purchase. You will have to “guide” your customer and you can only do that if you know where you want to get them to.


Create a Catchy Subject Line

The first section of your email is the subject line. You could think of it as a kind of a title for your email, but there’s actually more to it than that. It’s catchy and has to sum up the essence of your message in a witty and concise way.

When you know how to correctly write the catchy subject line, you are more likely to have your email read. That’s why writing skills are crucial. If you feel that you don’t have enough knowledge, essay writing services can be good support for you. To choose the best writing service, read essaysadvisor blog.

subject line email marketing

It’s the details that matter. You are probably going to send an email to someone you’ve connected with before who could be your next customer. Logically, your email is basically “following up” to that. It is important to include where you met the potential client before so that they have a moment of recollection of the prior events.


Craft an Authentic Email Intro

The next part of your email is the intro. To put it simply, it’s a continuation of your subject line and has to continue the idea you planted in the subject. Your aim is to hold the reader’s attention long enough for them to get to the next bit.

winning email intro

At the same time, you have to prove to be authentic and provide value. Make small talk to establish a connection and put in a bit of useful information. Don’t get to business immediately, but still maintain a steady pace. Make it short and to the point, but don’t be too pushy.

You should also show that you have done your homework and know about the person you are writing to. You have to make your emails as personal as possible, even though it may take more time than you had originally expected it to.

By the way, you can use these tools and services to help you write your email:

  • Grammarly: A tool to check your email’s grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
  • Trust My Paper: An online writing service to write your email for you.
  • Hemingway Editor: A tool that highlights passive voice, adverbs, and complicated sentences.
  • Studicus: Another great online writing service to use as an alternative.
  • Prepostseo: An AI-powered tool to improve the readability of your email.

Ask and Give Proof

“I always make sure that I explain why I am writing the email. If the person knows who you are and what you need as well as how that is useful to them, they will be more likely to read your email till the end,” says Estelle Leotard, Writer at IsAccurate.

And now it’s time to really get down to business. After the intro, ask about your issue right away. You don’t want to postpone it anymore, but remember to make it polite and concise. You must make sure that the reader knows the context of your email early on.

After that, give proof of your relevance. Tell your reader why you are worth their time and what’s in it for them. You want something but you are willing to give them something valuable in return. By the way, this part is best written as a bullet-point or numbered list.

winning email asking proof

Introduce Yourself and Give a Deeper Insight

After explaining what you want and what your reader will get in return, you can include some more details about who you are and give them a deeper insight. For example, if you are representing a business, talk about your organization and what you do.

There is no need to make this part too long as it will be closer to the end of your email but you can still make it longer than the intro. Stick to the point of your message though and don’t diverge too much.

In addition to the tools and services mentioned above you can also use Google Docs (a web equivalent of Microsoft Office Word to share and edit word documents), Grab My Essay (an online writing service), Focus Writer (a tool to focus on writing without distractions), and Best Essay Education (another online writing service).


End Your Email Appropriately

After you’ve written everything you wanted to, you should end your email appropriately. Include a line that is similar to, “Thank you for your time and I am looking forward to hearing from you.” This will show that you care.

At the very end, use a variation of a standard goodbye with your name and last name after it. For example, “Yours sincerely”, “Best regards”, and “All the best” all work well (though what you use will depend on how close you are to the reader).

ending email correctly


Test Your Email and Start Sending

Before sending out your email (and you will probably have a template that you will customize for each separate person), make sure to test it. You must be sure that it works well so that you don’t waste your time for nothing.

The best way to test your email is to send it to a set number of people and then create another version of it to send out to another group of people. Then, see which of the versions works better and use it in the future.


Final Thoughts

All in all, writing an effective email to make your recipients convert is not that difficult after you figure out the basics. Follow the advice in this article to make the most out of your resources and use your writing skills to their fullest.


Elisa Abbot completed a degree in Computer Science. She finished her study last year but is already a true expert when it comes to presenting a text in a creative and understandable manner. She has been a regular contributor for WOWgrade. Elisa is thirsty for knowledge and is always on the lookout for tips to share with her readers. She is also a writer at Supreme Dissertations.

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